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PHAIG advocates ‘Vaccine mandate Policy  …launches COVID-19 vaccine research findings

PHAIG advocates ‘Vaccine mandate Policy  …launches COVID-19 vaccine research findings

The Public Health Alliance Inter­national Ghana (PHAIG) has launched its COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy & vaccine mandate research findings with a call on stakeholders/Government to push for a Vaccine mandate Policy.

The research according to the or­ganisation showed that an estimated six out of seven Ghanaians believe that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective and 75 per cent of the respondents would subscribe to the implementation of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate policy.

The findings also showed that the most hesitant groups were men, non-health workers, people with low education, and non-believers of vaccine efficacy.

Dr Prince Samuel Nuamah, Vice President of PHAIG who present­ed the report in Accra was therefore optimistic a vaccine mandate policy when implemented would be effec­tive in the country’s quest to find a lasting solution to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Over the past three years, the entire global community has been grappling with the many issues regarding COVID-19 and as such information and research on the virus is rapidly evolving.

PHAIG, an independent not-for-profit Health Think Tank was also formed to as part of its activities embark on more localised research on COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy & vaccine mandate.

The launch of the research findings was held under the theme: ‘Vaccine hesitancy, the current state of affairs and disposition of Gha­naians towards vaccine mandate and brought together stakeholders in the health sector and the busi­ness community.

Dr Prince Samuel Nuamah, later shared PHAIG’s upcoming projects some of which are on childhood burns and its prevention, alcohol use and workplace produc­tivity among others, and called on interested organisations for po­tential collaborations and strategic partnerships.

He also seized the opportunity to appeal for more funding from corporate entities/individuals to boost their research.

The guest speaker, Dr Ampon­sa-Achiano, reported as positive the incredible milestones attained by Ghana and the rest of the Sub-Saharan African continent on the drive towards vaccination and vaccine acceptance.

He however, admitted the need for more concerted efforts to achieve projected expectations regarding vaccine coverage and acceptance.

During his remarks, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye, CEO of the Nation­al Health Insurance Authority commended the interest shown by all present in the engagements at the launch and admitted to the complex nature of a vaccine man­date but said that discussions on the potential for a vaccine man­date policy was a step in the right direction.

The Chairperson, Rev. Dr Mark­wei, commended PHAIG for such a great initiative and the revealing findings that were shared with the attendees at the event.



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